
Annual Progress Report

EBFRIP Statement: 1st Annual Progress Report of Flame Retardant Voluntary Emissions Control Action Programme (VECAP)

? UK Pilot Programme achieves 75 percent reduction in emissions to water by textiles industry ? Programme launched in five other EU Member States and on target to cover 90 percent of Deca-BDE usage in the EU by June 2007 ? 79 percent and 48 percent of Deca-BDE usage for textiles and plastics, respectively, in the six EU Member States already signed up to voluntary programme The brominated flame retardant industry has launched a 1st Annual Progress Report for its Voluntary Emissions Control Action Programme (VECAP). This report aims to introduce VECAP to a wide range of audiences, including regulatory authorities, user industries and the general public, and is designed to provide transparent and concise information on the progress of the VECAP in Europe. Feedback or comments on the report are welcome. The focus of the VECAP is currently on the flame retardant Deca-BDE, but the industry intends to build on the experience gained with this substance and expand VECAP-type programmes to other brominated flame retardants and outside Europe. The Programme was initiated by the industry in 2004 following conclusion of a 10-year EU risk assessment of Deca-BDE. Though the risk assessment concluded that no additional risk reductions measures were required, the industry recognized that its own environmental monitoring had demonstrated the potential for low but increasing levels of Deca-BDE near industrial user sites. VECAP, combined with an industry commitment to carry out a 10-year programme of environmental monitoring, represents the brominated flame retardant industry?s commitment to reduce to the greatest degree practical the potential for Deca-BDE emissions to the environment. As part of a standard annual review, national officials from the European Union assessed progress on Deca-BDE in a meeting on 24 May in Vienna. During that meeting, there was significant support for this industry's voluntary emissions reduction programme and the progress achieved to date. For a copy of the VECAP Annual Progress Report, click on: 2006_vecap_annual_progress_report.pdf
  • "As a regulator, we can only but support proactive industry initiatives such as VECAP which are already demonstrating their effectiveness in managing chemicals throughout the manufacturing processes. Moreover, we believe VECAP's philosophy of adequate control throughout the supply chain will help businesses to adjust to the new REACH regulatory environment."
    Roberto Binetti, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
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